Saturday, September 18, 2010

Project Brighten Up: Family Room

If you haven't notice, I am obsessed with brightening up my home.

First, we are having a ton of people over for my littlest one's 1st birthday and second, because I want out of this house and into a new one.

My goal is to make our home welcoming, where someone will want to call it their home one day.

So I have been focusing on the entertainment unit. It is the main part of the area, besides our enormous couch, which is a light latte color. Our entertainment center we made ourselves. We just bought a few shelves and a dresser from IKEA and put it together to make one. It sounds weird but it works and we like it.

But it's dark. Really dark.

I have been placing white, only white, things on the shelves but have run out of things. There are eight total shelves and I only have two left. I refuse to purchase something.

So I am using my brain power and coming up with something from around the house.

Intro to this project. Books.

I completely ripped the covers off, and then placed twine around them. They are still readable so no real damage was done. But I think they are super cute.

If you are paying attention you would have counted 5 books, three for the shelve and the other two for the end table with only a poor little lamp.

As I was dismantling the fifth book, it did not work, I could not get the cover off with out damaging the entire thing. So I came up with something else.


I hot glued the burlap to the back and then again along the edge to keep it tight and then again when I wrapped it around.


Its not too much but just a little.

I like it.

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